The origins of Red Deer Golf & Country Club (RDGCC) date back to July 3, 1919. The first course was located on leased land on what is now known as West Park Estates. Back then, the six fairways were quite short and the Club had to install extra fencing to keep the cattle out. Sheep were acquired to keep the greens trimmed and gophers left a number of unplanned holes throughout the course.
Please click the following link to view our RDGCC Breaking 100 Centennial video:
RDGCC Breaking 100 Centennial Video

The first RDGCC course was along the Calgary-Edmonton Trail, the main highway into Red Deer. At the time, a number of local residents objected to seeing people out playing golf on Sundays. One angry local farmer complained to the local newspaper of “the necessity of driving my family past the Sunday golfers indulging themselves on his way home from church.” At this time, golf was not always viewed as a favourable sport.
A snowstorm on October 8, 1919 brought an end to the first season. It was the start of a long and brutal winter. The snow stayed on the ground well into May and local golfers were itching to start their second season. The Club signed up 31 members that year and the growing group of golfers rose to 50, with each person putting up $10 for a season’s membership. Plans were made to eliminate the gophers, find a new course location and raise funds for a new Clubhouse.
By the early spring of 1922, the Club had enough funds to buy the old Wilkins Brother’s Ranch on the north side of the river and proceeded with the construction of a Clubhouse. In April 1922, the old Golf Club was disbanded and the assets were turned over to the new Red Deer Golf and Country Club.
By summertime, the forty-two by fifty-six-foot bungalow style Clubhouse was nearing completion. Another 150 sheep were acquired to help trim the fairways and a ban was placed on dogs to protect the lambs.
The Red Deer Golf and Country Club held an official opening for the new course and Clubhouse on August 22, 1922 with the first Central Alberta Golf Tournament. The event was a tremendous success. Despite its controversies, golf had become an important part of community life.